January isn’t even over yet, and 2020 has already been an eventful year for us. Get ready for yet another “highs and lows” blog post! This is becoming a pattern, but I dare say each win far outweighs the losses. Due to their work and school schedules, Jeremiah and Daniel had to step down from [...]
Release Show Recap
On Friday September 27, we gathered at The Green Lantern in Lexington with roughly 85 of our closest friends. The occasion? After months of hard work, along with generous pledges from fans, we successfully launched our first full length record. Can’t Please Everyone was finally out, and getting rave reviews. It was time to celebrate with [...]
Highs and Lows and More Highs
This post is way past due. The past ten months have definitely been eventful for this band. Life in general has been very hectic. As I write this, our first full length Can’t Please Everyone is at the plant being pressed! I wish I could say that each event leading to this time was a [...]
All Together Now
What is it they say about finding what you’re looking for when you least expect it? In June, Sempervivi played back to back gigs in Newport and Dayton before Rob and Jon split for new projects. Months into my search for each new bandmate I needed, I actually started to wonder if this group had [...]
Back at One (This is Not the End)
All aspects of my life have been busy since the last time I blogged, between the band, my business, and my family (Isn’t that the obligatory lead in for every post?). I’ve taken a few weeks to center myself and unpack this topic before writing. After nine months together and six months of gigs, Rob [...]
A Wild Rock Band Appears!
The holiday season is upon us, and I got an early Christmas gift this year! I always intended for Sempervivi to grow into a full band, both onstage and in the studio. After two years of performing solo acoustic, the right dudes came along to make my vision a reality. Forming a full band Jonathan [...]
“Fall”-ing in place
Summer has come to a close. That means I’m past due for my every now and then blog post to give you an update on what the ‘vivi has been up to. As usual, this will be a general recap of shows I’ve played the past few months. It also, predictably, will bring you up [...]
“Always Alive” and All that Goes With It
I titled this blog entry from a list I made of tasks for the “Always Alive” CD release. “Organized” is not the first word many people would think of to describe me. However, when I plan a big event, I practice due diligence to make sure everything goes smoothly as planned. I’ve blogged about many of the [...]
“So Close” Music Video
This past week, the new music video for “So Close” dropped on Youtube to much fanfare! My former Redfoot bandmate Ryan Staples shot and edited the video, which is the forerunner to the upcoming “Always Alive” EP on Bad Apple Records. Last year, as we were in the midst of recording the album, I had [...]
Best Dudes, Best Times – Songwriters Tour ’16
In December 2016, I set out for a most unprecedented expedition with my friends – the Bad Apple Records Winter Songwriters Tour. This tour was the second annual trip featuring the main songwriters from three acts on our label. We played a total of nine shows in nine days with lots of long drives, but we [...]